# 1 Secret of SUCCESS

According to Chinkee Tan,
the  # 1 Secret of SUCCESS is...
finding something that you love, 
do it with passion and 
focus on becoming the best.

Keep in touch...more success tips to come!!!

To your success,
Christopher de Guzman

photo courtesy: http://www.flickr.com/photos/xang/5638806856

Act successful.

How you carry yourself plays a very important role in the game of success. Act successful and success will follow. Project success; shine with the magnetic aura of success. Keep an upright, confidence posture; move with commanding power gestures and movements. Put a spring in your walk and add brightness to your smile. And don’t forget each time you open your mouth to talk, speak like a person with immense success.
photo credit : wardrobeadvice.com

Think that you are already successful.

Success, first and foremost, is an attitude. Success starts in the mind. Your mental attitudes- the positive ones – are what push you become effective, productive and successful. Condition your mind to think that you are already successful. Then your brain will be engaged in successful thinking – a knockout mindset that can extinguish your failure consciousness. Think like a winner! You cannot be successful if you think like a loser.

Believe that you deserve to be successful.

Many people fail because they feel that they are not deserving of what they desire. You won’t get what you desire unless you believe you deserve it!

photo credit: positivelyprosperous.org

Believe that you’ve got what it takes to be successful.

Belief is the mother of being. Believe that you have the power to turn your dreams into reality. Whatever you believe , you can achieve. Desire and want it with great passion and determination. Envision your dreams. See your goal in your mind’s eye; picture its every smallest detail. When you can define and imagine it clearly and believe wholeheartedly in it, you can make it happen!